Johanna Lindsey: A Tribute

News, Recommended Reads / Thursday, December 26th, 2019

(Note: the above collage image is from the NYT article about Ms. Lindsey’s death. You can find the article here)

For any avid Romance fan, there are a few names that always stand out, the greats who paved the road into love and adventure with tales of intense emotion wrapped in covers depicting beautiful scantily-clad couples.

Johanna Lindsey was definitely one of the greats. I don’t know a single avid Romance reader who hasn’t heard her name or read at least one of her almost 60 red-hot novels.

News of her death has the Romance community, authors and readers alike, mourning and reminiscing, recalling the stories that caught our attention and our hearts, securing us as lifelong fans.

For my part, I didn’t feel I could let the news pass without some formal acknowledgment of this long-time favorite author.

One of my goals for the coming year is to get back to my monthly reading lists, so I’ve decided to kick off the New Year by dedicating January to books by Johanna Lindsey.

I’m still in the curating process, I want to read at least three books in the month, four would be better, and I’m scanning my options (library, my mom’s shelves, most noted by folks I follow on social media- lookin’ at you Gentle Rogue and Tender is the Storm…), but wanted to put my intent out into the world in case any of you would like to join me in this small tribute.

Once I have the list narrowed down I’ll be back to update this post and add all the pertinent info and links.

Are you a Johanna Lindsey fan? If so, Which of her books would you recommend/which made the biggest impact on your own reading?

*PLEASE NOTE: the link above will take you to one of Ms. Lindsey’s books, but my intent was to direct you to her author page so you could see ALL her books. For some reason the original link wasn’t working, so I’ve redirected to just the one book.

8 Replies to “Johanna Lindsey: A Tribute”

  1. Captive Bride was the first book I read by Johanna Lindsey. That book helped start me on my journey into romance novels. I will never forget that book and actually still have it in my book stash.

    1. It’s always wonderful to keep the most meaningful ones around as a reminder of what we gained from reading them. Captive Bride sounds familiar, I’m not sure if I’ve read it or if it’s one of the collection on my mom’s shelves, but I’ll keep an eye out for it in January! Thank you for your commentary 🙂

  2. She was one of the first author’s books that hooked me on romance novels. Her stories were always captivating and the women strong. I think I have read all of her books at least once if not more.

    1. She’s a staple on my mom’s shelves (where I usually go shopping for books), so I know I’ve read several. I’m looking forward to getting reacquainted with her and rediscovering old favorites. Thank you for adding in!

  3. How terribly sad to hear that one of my favourite authors of romance has passed away. I recall reading a couple of her books while waiting for a friend who was in hospital & I saw the paperbacks on a rack in the gift shop. Her imaginative writing & the captivating characters she drew pulled me in completely. I look forward to reading more of her books when they come on sale or are free. Wonderful, amazing writer whose loss will be felt by all who loved her books.

    1. Isn’t it amazing how the events around reading certain books make them even more special to us? Thank you for adding in, I’m looking forward to reading more of her books myself.

  4. Johanna Lindsey’s has always been my number one author. I have her full library either in paperback or hard cover. When I went to the e-reader and gave all my books away, I did keep my JL’s and still have them safe, to read over and over. I also have most of them on the e-reader as well. She will be missed.

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